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Friday, January 20, 2017

Dalam Kesesakan

Kata ini bikin kita langsung pusing sakit kepala 😆 , siapapun gak ada yang mau mengalami hal itu. Tapi yang namanya roda kehidupan selalu berputar, ada kalanya kita bahagia, ada kalanya kita sedih kecewa marah. Berbagai problema hidup kita harus hadapi, berbagai rintangan, tantangan kita harus kuat menghadapinya.
Bersyukur dikasi ayat ini dari Line Keselamatanku (bagus banget, recommended bagi yang malas baca alkitab).

Matius 18:6 , "Ketika aku dalam kesesakan, aku berseru pada Tuhan, kepada Allahku aku berteriak minta tolong. Ia mendengar suaraku dari baitNYA, teriakku minta tolong kepadaNYA sampai ke telingaNYa."

Ayat ini menguatkanku. Jujur aja selama ini selalu bolong-bolong SaTe nya. Rasanya sendirian gak ada yang menghibur. Karena aku mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri dan manusia. Aku bingung mencari penghiburan dari kesesakan yang aku alami.
Ibaratnya, seekor onta yang sedang kehausan mencari mata air di tengah padang gurun, ia hanya menemukan setitik dua titik air, yang tidak bisa memuaskan dahaganya.
Begitupun aku, penghiburan dari manusia tidak kekal (tidak selamanya 24 jam seorang sahabat, saudara, yang bisa mrnghibur kita, mereka ada kehidupan masing-masing), yang kekal hanya datang dari Tuhan Yesus saja. Hanya IA yang mampu selalu 24 jam memberikanku penghiburan sukacita.

Kesesakan yang aku alami, belum usai. Masih terus berlanjut karna inilah salib yang harus ku pikul, proses bertumbuh didalamNYA untuk semakin kuat. Inilah jalan yang kupilih, mengikutiNYA, meneladaniNYA maka aku harus sanggup kuat bertahan didalam kesesakan ini. Ketika aku tidak sanggup lagi, aku akan terus memanggil namaNYA, berseru, memohon pertolonganNYA, dan IA selalu mendengarkan, selalu ada untukku.

Seringkali aku putus asa, mengira IA tidak mendengarkanku, aku salah. Karena sifat kedaginganku yang ingin instan, maunya cepat, selesai berdoa langsung ada mukjizat. Tapi bukan begitu cara Tuhan. IA mau kita berproses lebih dalam, selalu sabar, menunggu dengan setia, bertekun dalam iman dan pengharapan, IA mau mengajari kita, melatih kita supaya tidak manja dan cengeng. Supaya kita kuat. Ini aku sadari setelah berbagai hal yang membuatku kecewa marah akan hidupku. Aku sadar, Tuhan tidak mau memanjakan kita sama seperti kita tidak mau memanjakan anak-anak kita.
Tuhan mau kita bisa mandiri, kuat, sabar, bagai besi yang ditempa panasnya api , bagai tanah liat yang dibentuk diproses sehingga menjadi bejana yang indah. Itulah kasih Tuhan Yesus ku , sama seperti kasih seorang ayah untuk anak-anaknya.

Thank you Jesus, buatku berproses semakin dalam lagi, semakin kuat lagi. Halleluya, amin.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Matthew 3 : 10

Yesterday my bible words on Mat 3:10, Kapak sudah tersedia pada akar pohon dan setiap pohon yg tidak menghasilkan buah yg tidak baik, pasti ditebang dan dibuang ke dalam api.

These words are really touching because bad people will go to hell if they won't change into a good one. And I personally, I've done lots of things that God hate. I know it was wrong but I always did it over and over again. But now, when I read those words, I want a Change! I have to!

There's no time left. I used to have this dream about hell. I was falling so deeply into a valley of fire and it was really hot. I feel like I'm burned and I smell lots of smokes. But I couldn't see anybody. before I went deeper, I started yelling and crying to God. And I suddenly woke up. I was so scared. I don't know if it's from God or satan but one thing I know, I want to change into a good person, I want to have good behavior, good attitudes so that I could earn a good fruits.

I'm blessed because Jesus is still loving me, He ggives me second chance. I believe not only me, there are lots of people that think their life has messed up, they couldn't go back. They are so late to be change. But I'm gonna tell you, that you are wrong. As long as you can breathe and still live, you can change!

Jesus still loving you and want you back into HIS arms, that's why He doesn't let you die. Just have faith in Him and your ways will be opened. Nothing's impossible in Jesus. He can do lots of things beyond our imaginations so stop complaining, stop crying, stop fighting, start your own new life and you will be saved by Jesus ^^~

Sunday, March 25, 2012


My first blog in 2012 ┼┼ee┼┼ee.. ┼┼ee┼┼ee

This year is my breakthrough year because I've been married now for just 3 months.
But my marriage doesn't seem well. My mother in law, she was nice to me but when we lived together, she is so annoyed and cruel to me. Well, I know I have lots of disabilities. But I can't accept if she made up stories about me.

All I can do is just crying and trying to kill myself. But God is really good to me, HE didn't allow me. At first, I can't see why all of these happen to me. I'm scared, angry at everything.

But through a lot of process, I realize that Jesus let all this happened because HE love (๑'⌣'๑)づ♥ me and HE want me to rebirth in Christian again. HE has plan for me and I know He won't let me to have big problems above my ability. And I think maybe this is my punishment from Jesus because I didn't read bibles again, I didn't go ┌┐(•ˋoˊ•)┌┐ to church often.

I'm blessed that Jesus is really great to me. HE gives me second chance to follow HIS words. And I will not let HIM be disappointed again. I promise \(´▽`)/ (‾ʃƪ‾)

Well, this morning I read on Mat 1 : 23 about Immanuel : Allah menyertai kita / God be with us. As long as we follow His words and believe in HIM , God be with as. Although we have gone in wrong way, God still be with us because HE loving us and HE won't let us be bad.

I hope, whoever read this, they always know that Jesus won't leave us. He's always waiting for us to come back to HIM, be His beloved children again. No matter how hard this life is and no matter how suffer you are. Just have faith in Him and everything will be alright.

♥ MILK + BIBLE each morning = HEALTHY ♥

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lead me God~

Bulan Mei...
For me, it's a stressful month and I'm really sick of it.. I wish I could get through this soon~
Lots of things to do, so little time I have~

This is the list I have to do:
  • Finish my final project to get my bachelor title
  • Preparing for my final examination in June
  • Think about my future, what should I do, what would I be, which one I have to choose
  • Prepare myself to face the true challenge in a real world
  • Think like a woman, not a girl
  • Ready to have and take bigger responsibilities
  • Never look back and quit
May oh may... Please be over soon~